2015 South Australian Award Winner

Dr Martin White

The University of Adelaide Research Field: Particle Physics As a theorist, Dr White has developed new techniques for identifying the correct explanation of dark matter, what the universe is made of and how it evolved from a tiny point to its current state. Dr White has also been a member of the ATLAS collaboration of…

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Dr Melissa Cantley

The University of Adelaide Research Field: Bone Loss Diseases In healthy states, there is a balance between the processes of bone degradation and bone formation so that our bone mass remains constant. However, in a number of disease states, there is an imbalance with too much bone being lost causing them to be weakened. This…

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Dr Renee Turner

The University of Adelaide Research Field: Neuroscience Brain swelling (cerebral oedema) and elevated intracranial pressure are life-threatening compilations of stroke and occur as a result of blood-brain barrier dysfunction. These complications are associated with death and significant disability. Dr Turner has identified a drug that prevents the brain from swelling, a treatment that may greatly…

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Dr Simon Conn

SA Pathology Research Field: Cancer Biology Cancer metastasis is responsible for over 90% of cancer-related death and involves a complex gene process, where relatively immobile cancer cells become more invasive and move to a secondary site in the body, away from the original tumour. Dr Conn has discovered that novel pieces of genetic information, called…

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Dr Suzanne Mashtoub

The University of Adelaide and the University of WA Research Field: Emu Oil & Intestinal Disorders Intestinal inflammatory conditions have been at the forefront of medical research due to the lack of effective treatment options. These conditions include ulcerative colitis (large intestinal damage), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug enteropathy (small intestinal damage) and mucositis (damage to normal…

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Dr Tasha Stanton

The University of South Australia Research Field: Pain Pain is frustratingly complex. Dr Stanton’s research has determined that people with chronic pain often have changes in the way their body feels to them, caused by changes in perception of how the brain “codes” for that body part. Using visual illusions, Dr Stanton’s team can change…

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Ms Kristin Carson

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Research Field: Translational Research, Respiratory Medicine. Almost half of all Indigenous Australians aged 14 years and over have been reported smoking on a daily basis compared to 21% of non-Indigenous Australians. Ms Carson’s research has found significant shortcomings in the evaluations of existing tobacco programs intended to reduce tobacco use in…

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Dr Caitlin Byrt

The University of Adelaide Research Field: Plant Science Plants supply us with food, fibre and fuels. Unfortunately the world’s population is increasing, creating a greater demand for plant products but the resources needed to grow crop plants, such as productive land and water, are in decline. Dr Byrt’s research uses biotechnology to improve the productivity…

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Dr Martin Breed

The University of Adelaide Research Field: Biological Conservation & Restoration Only 10% of Woodland remains in the Adelaide Hills and less on the Adelaide Plains. Globally, an estimated 2 billion ha of land is degraded, an area larger than Russia. Dr Breed’s research interests are in developing conservation & restoration solutions from studying plant adaptation…

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