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Nominate a Young Tall Poppy

The YTP awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of Australian scientists.

2024 nominations have closed.

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Since 1929 AQ: Australian Quarterly has been packing its pages with the debates that shape Australia and the world. Bridging the gap between academic journal and glossy magazine, AQ brings you articles from experts at the forefront of the issues. Grounded in evidence, yet written in a style accessible to everyone, AQ is unique in Australia’s publishing landscape, pushing back against the trends of subjective truth and media spin.

AIPS acknowledges the generous support funding provided by the Commonwealth Government through a grant in aid.

Check out our Current Edition now, or Subscribe for as little as $15 a year!


Our Tall Poppy Campaign aims to celebrate excellence in science and encourage interest and engagement with science.

Would you like a Tall Poppy Scientist to visit your school, library or community organisation?

Our inspirational Tall Poppies have conducted many successful outreach engagements both in person and online.

Make an Outreach Enquiry

Search for a Tall Poppy using keywords and connect with us at and we will do our best to assist.

Please note that all of our Tall Poppy alumni are full-time scientists and may not be available to assist with all requests.

Nominate a Next Generation Florey Medalist

The AIPS Florey Next Generation Award (formerly CSL Florey Next Generation) is a new award conferred to a current PhD candidate who has demonstrated outstanding capability, creativity and potential in the biomedical sciences and/or health and medical research. This award was developed from the earlier CSL Young Florey Medal.

The AIPS Florey Next Generation Award includes a $20,000 prize, and two runner-up prizes of $2,500 each.

2024 AIPS Florey Next Generation nominations have closed.