Dr Caitlin Byrt

Dr Caitlin Byrt_landscape_SA_Low_Res2The University of Adelaide
Research Field: Plant Science

Plants supply us with food, fibre and fuels. Unfortunately the world’s population is increasing, creating a greater demand for plant products but the resources needed to grow crop plants, such as productive land and water, are in decline. Dr Byrt’s research uses biotechnology to improve the productivity of plants for food and fuel industries, increasing the yield and quality of products. She also examines how plants control the composition of their biomass and develops strategies for making environmentally friendly and sustainable biofuels.

Caitlin hosts high school students in her laboratory as part of their work experience programs, and demonstrates scientific experiments for the Get into Genes program. Previously she worked at the CSIRO Plant Industry Discovery Centre, was interviewed for the educational documentary “Seed Hunter” and participated in Science meets Parliament.

Dr Byrt was awarded her PhD from the University of Adelaide in 2008 and is currently an ARC Discovery Early Career Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide.

  • Plant Ecology
  • Cell Wall Biology
  • Salt Tolerant Plants
  • Drought Tolerant Plants
  • Plant Science
  • Agriculture
  • Biology