Dr Martin Breed

Dr Martin Breed_landscape_SA_Low_ResThe University of Adelaide
Research Field: Biological Conservation & Restoration

Only 10% of Woodland remains in the Adelaide Hills and less on the Adelaide Plains. Globally, an estimated 2 billion ha of land is degraded, an area larger than Russia. Dr Breed’s research interests are in developing conservation & restoration solutions from studying plant adaptation and community ecology. From this he is able to advise which plants to use, where to collect quality seeds and how to efficiently track success of restoration projects. More land restoration in society will increase ecosystem services, therefore increasing land value with the additional advantages of improved pollination and more productive home gardens and agriculture.
Martin has coordinated a number of public events, including Pint of Science, Adelaide and TREND at Womad Earth station, engaging with restoration and conservation communities, agricultural grower groups and management agencies.

Dr Breed was awarded his PhD from the University of Adelaide in 2013 and is currently and ARC DECRA Fellow at the University of Adelaide.

  • Biological Conservation
  • Restoration
  • Ecosystem Health
  • Restoration Ecology
  • Genomics
  • Ecology
  • Biology