Dr Thomas Newsome
The University of Sydney / Deakin University Biological Sciences, @NewsomeTM Big animals like dingoes and wolves at the top of the food chain. Dr Newsome studies how top predators change the abundance and behaviour of their prey and competitors, and how that in turn affects other species and ecological processes. Currently, Australians kill or exclude…
Read More »Dr Tracy Burrows
The University of Newcastle Nutrition and Dietetics @DrTracyBurrows, @UON_research, @HMRIAustralia and @UONPRCPAN Dr Burrow’s research investigates whether humans can become addicted to certain foods, particularly those highly processed foods seen as major contributors to overweight and obesity. Animal studies have shown that diets high in sugar, salt and fat are linked with physical and neurological changes…
Read More »Dr Viviana Wuthrich
Macquarie University Psychology @VivianaWuthrich Severe anxiety affects one in ten people. People suffering anxiety are also more likely to have other mental health difficulties such as depression and dementia. Dr Wuthrich’s research is focused on studying what causes and maintains anxiety disorders across the lifespan from young children to older adults, and on developing practical…
Read More »Associate Professor Jason Grebely
Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales Epidemiology/Public Health, @jasongrebely @KirbyInstitute In Australia, liver disease due to hepatitis C is rising, due to a large number of people infected, an ageing infected population, low treatment uptake, and poor effectiveness of previous therapies. One of the most important breakthroughs in recent decades is the development of…
Read More »Dr Adam Collison
The University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute Immunology / Microbiology, @DrAdamCollison Allergy is the fastest growing chronic disease in Australia, affecting around 4.1 million people. While asthma has been recognised as a national health priority since 1999, there is increasing interest in food allergy. Food allergy associated diseases such as Eosinophilic Oesophagitis (a…
Read More »Dr Bronwyn Graham
University of New South Wales Anxiety Disorders One quarter of Australians will experience a debilitating anxiety disorder, like social anxiety or posttraumatic stress, sometime in their life. Current treatments for anxiety have developed from research mainly focused on men, but women are twice as likely than men to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, although…
Read More »Dr Dale Nimmo
Charles Sturt University Conservation Science @BiodiversityGuy @csumedia The fossil record shows that the earth has seen five major extinction events, characterised by rapid species extinctions within a relatively short time-frame. Alarmingly, scientists who study modern ecosystems have now concluded that the earth is amidst a sixth mass extinction event, brought upon by the changes to…
Read More »Dr Danielle Moreau
University of New South Wales Aeroacoustics @daniellejmoreau @UNSW and @UNSWEngineering Noise from cars, aircraft, air-conditioning systems and computer fans fill our lives. Noise is not only intruding on urban life, rural communities are also being altered by the addition of wind turbines in previously very quiet areas. A common component in modern technology responsible for…
Read More »Dr Jonathan Plett
Western Sydney University Genetics/Ecosystem Sustainability, @FungiDownUnder @westsyduhie A spoonful of dirt contains billions of micro-organisms, some of which cause are harmful to plants while others cohabit peacefully with the plant, boosting plant immunity and provide essential raw nutrients. These plant/micro-organism relationships, are governed by a form of ‘dialogue’. Instead of words, however, chemical signals are…
Read More »Dr Joshua Ho
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute Bioinformatics @joshuawkho @VictorChangInst @abacbs Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) affects 8 out of 1,000 live births and it is the biggest single cause of child mortality and hospitalisation. Determining the genetic cause of a CHD patient is critical for genetic counselling and, in some cases, diagnosis and treatment. Dr Ho’s research…
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