Dr James Miller-Jones
Dr James Miller-Jones Curtin University Research Field: X-ray Binaries – Radio astronomy As material spirals into a black hole, magnetic processes result in some of the matter being diverted outwards and accelerated into interstellar space at close to the speed of light. These jets of matter are akin to ultra-powerful searchlights. James spearheads a large…
Read More »Dr Jean-Paul Hobbs
Dr Jean-Paul Hobbs The University of Western Australia Research Field: Marine Biology Australia’s marine species are worth more than $10 billion annually through fisheries, aquaculture and tourism, and provide vast enjoyment to Australians. Our oceans are global biodiversity hotspots, with more than 10,000 endemic marine species including abalone, lobsters, seahorses and anemonefishes. To best conserve…
Read More »Dr Louise Naylor
Dr Louise Naylor The University of Western Australia Research Field: Clinical Exercise Physiology Louise’s research is in the field of “exercise as medicine”, which explores how exercise can be used to not only prevent, but also to treat various diseases, in particular cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Her research has established…
Read More »Professor Ryan Lister
Professor Ryan Lister The University of Western Australia Research Field: Epigenetics and Genomics The epigenome – a molecular code superimposed upon the genome that controls how our genes are turned on and off – plays a pivotal role in both normal development and disease/stress states in animals and plants. Whereas researchers have previously only been…
Read More »A/Professor Graeme Zosky
Associate Professor Graeme Zosky Telethon Institute for Child Health Research Research Field: Respiratory Environmental Health Nearly 1 million children under the age of five die every year from lung diseases due to preventable environmental exposures such as air pollution, poor water quality and inadequate housing. Graeme’s research aims to identify the major environmental exposures that…
Read More »Dr Hannah Moore
Dr Hannah Moore Telethon Institute for Child Health Research Research Field: Epidemiology/Infectious Diseases Despite numerous vaccination programs respiratory infections such as influenza, whooping cough and bronchiolitis remain a major cause of childhood morbidity. Aboriginal children continue to suffer at a higher rate than non-Aboriginal children. By collating and analysing a range of infection, hospitalisation and…
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