2010 South Australian Award Winner

Dr Siobhan Banks

University of South Australia Siobhan researches the physiological and neurobehavioural consequences of sleep deprivation, or in other words what happens to your body and mind when you lose sleep. Everybody needs to sleep. It is important for our healthy functioning and if sleep is shortened below what is optimal then safety and health maybe compromised….

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Associate Professor Leonie Heilbronn

University of Adelaide Leonie’s broad research goal is to understand why having enlarged fat stores (obesity) is so closely linked to a number of metabolic diseases such as Type II diabetes and heart disease. Leonie is also interested in determining the best way to make people healthy again through nutritional interventions and how calorie restriction…

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Dr Mark Hutchinson

University of Adelaide Mark investigates the role of immune like cells, glial, in the brain and how they contribute to diseases such as chronic pain, drug addiction and epilepsy. The goals of his research are to discover new mechanisms of disease to formulate new drugs or treatments that can regain control of these immune cells…

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Dr Charlie Huveneer

Flinders University Charlie is investigating the ecology and biology of sharks, rays, and chimaeras. This includes studying how often they reproduce, how old they are and how fast they grow, what they eat, as well as where they go and how much time they spend in specific areas. The information obtained from these projects is…

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Dr Damien Keating

Flinders University Damien investigates how the cells in our body, in particular the cells in our brain, communicate with each other through the release of chemicals called neurotransmitters and hormones. The release of these chemicals controls all bodily functions including memory, appetite, emotions and movement. His research investigates the role of genes controlling the release…

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Dr Saravana Kumar

University of South Australia Saravana is a health services researcher who investigates the science of evidence implementation. His current research focuses on collaborating with health professionals, such as physiotherapists and chiropractors, to help them integrate research evidence into their clinical practice. Evidence is relevant to health, as decisions in health care should also be informed…

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Dr Ellen Nisbet

Universtiy of South Australia Ellen is investigating the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, with particular interest to its surprisingly close relation to a large group of algae called dinoflagellates. The malaria parasite is a single celled organism that contains a now dormant but still vital cellular organ similar to those still active in algae. Her research focuses…

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Dr. Gabrielle Todd

University of South Australia South Australian Young Tall Poppy of the Year 2010 Gabrielle investigates the brain control of movement. Movement requires an awareness of where the body is in relation to where it intends to go, and selection of the appropriate plan to get there. The aim of her research is to improve our…

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