1999 Victorian Award Winner

Dr Simon Foote

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute Simon spearheads Australia’s research in genomics. He helped co-conceive, design and bring into operation the Australian Genomic Facility which provides access for all Australian scientists to high technology genetic research, and he heads the Genetics Group at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute. His own laboratory is engaged in world…

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Dr Steve O’Leary

Bionic Ear Institute Steve is a Consultant Surgeon at the Royal Victorian Ear and Eye Hospital and a Senior Scientist with the Bionic Ear Institute. He has made contributions to the field of cochlear implantation for over 15 years. He is currently an academic otolaryngologist with an emphasis on both clinical and pure research. Otolaryngology…

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Dr Stephanie Brown

La Trobe University Stephanie is a Research Fellow in the Centre for the Study of Mothers’ and Children’s Health, in the School of Public Health, La Trobe University. Her research focuses on women’s views and experiences of maternity care, the impact of earlier discharge after childbirth, and mothers’ physical and emotional health in the first…

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Dr Kim Bennell

University of Melbourne Kim is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Physiotherapy at the University of Melbourne and a practising physiotherapist who has developed an international reputation in this new discipline. Her research into the effect of exercise and other interventions on bone growth has attracted substantial external funding and her publication rate in…

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Dr Kenneth Smith

Renal Medicine at the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine in the UK Kenneth has published widely in the area of renal immunology and transplantation and has established a liaison between Cambridge University and Australia to allow young Australian researchers to spend a year of research at Cambridge University. Professor Smith continues his work…

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Dr Douglas Hilton

Cooperative Research Centre for Cellular Growth Factors Douglas’ work included the discovery of a new family of proteins that act as biochemical brakes to damp down signals induced by cells to multiply and mature, and which are therefore potential targets for drug discovery. With colleagues, he is also heading a project to develop new mouse…

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Dr Desiree du Sart

Murdoch Institute Desiree is a cytogeneticist who has characterised a human DNA sequence that can act as a centromere and therefore may provide the basis for a human artificial chromosome. She is currently Head of the DNA Diagnostic Laboratory at the Murdoch Institute. Desiree is the Group Leader of the Cyto-Molecular Diagnostics Research Laboratory at MCRI….

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Associate Professor Ross D Hannan

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Ross heads the Growth Control Laboratory to investigate the molecular basis of regulation by RNA Polymerase I and how the dysregulation of this process contributes to the process of mailgnant transformation. Biochemistry Cell Biology Biology

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Dr Caroline Speed

Monash University Caroline is a Research Officer in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Monash University. Her work in immunology has allowed her to identify and characterise a new gene that may play a role as a potential tumour suppressor gene. Only three years following completion of PhD, she already has eleven publications…

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Dr Bronwyn Kingwell

Baker Medical Research Institute Bronwyn is an NHMRC Research Fellow at the Baker Medical Research Institute and a clinical physiologist. She has studied the effect of acute and chronic exercise on cardiovascular function and has been active in the presentation of science to the wider community. Physiology Biology

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