Dr Suzi Claflin
I study things that we can do right now to improve the lives of people living with multiple sclerosis (MS). My research focuses on two main areas: health education and access to healthcare and support services. I explore how health education can improve a person’s knowledge about MS and therefore improve their ability to manage…
Read More »Dr Joel Williams
It is undeniable that the world’s oceans are changing with climate change, pollution, and fishing, and that this is resulting in shifts of habitats and associated fish distribution and abundance. Dr Joel Williams is a quantitative marine ecologist whose research is focused on understanding how human impacts and climate change are influencing fish assemblages on…
Read More »Dr Vishnu Prahalad
Lecturer in Geography, Planning & Spatial Sciences at the University of Tasmania Wetlands are among the most productive, wonderful, and inspiring environments. They are also among the most threatened and misunderstood ecosystems. Dr Prahalad explores and studies wetlands, and shares stories about them to fellow scientists, policy makers, managers, and the public. His research is…
Read More »Dr Cayne Layton
Kelps are a type of large seaweed that occur in cold waters around the world, and range in size from less than 1 m to over 40 m tall. Kelps create rich underwater forests that are home to hundreds of other types of flora and fauna, and in turn, these forests support food-webs and fisheries,…
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