2007 New South Wales Award Winner

Dr Lisa Wood

Hunter Medical Research Institute / University of Newcastle Lisa explores the role of diet in the management of asthma, particularly the role of antioxidants. She is also examining the link between asthma and obesity, two conditions which are both increasing in prevalence and have a significant impact on the health of many Australians. One in…

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Dr Matt Taylor

University of New South Wales Matt is working on novel approaches to the enhancement of recreational and commercial fisheries. One of the major approaches to fisheries enhancement is through releasing fish that have been reared in captivity into waterways. Matt’s research focuses on assessing stocking density and developing release techniques to suit the biology and…

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Dr Nadine Kasparian

University of New South Wales / Prince of Wales Hospital Nadine examines how people with a strong family history of melanoma respond to genetic testing. Genetic testing involves a blood test that searches genes for specific changes that indicate increased risk of developing a particular disease (such as melanoma) and enables at-risk patients to learn…

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Dr Nikki Verrills

University of Newcastle Nikki uses state-of-the-art molecular biology techniques to identify the genes and proteins in cancer cells that differ from those in normal cells – potentially causing the cancer or contributing to cancer progression. Last year 106,000 Australians were diagnosed with cancer, and over 39,200 died from cancer. It is estimated that 1 in…

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Dr Vanessa Hayes

Garvan Institute of Medical Research Vannessa’s research focuses on understanding genetic differences between individuals and how these differences (variations or mutations) influence the risk of developing common human cancers. She is also interested in the rate of cancer development, patient outcomes and individual responses to therapeutic intervention. Her most significant work has been in understanding…

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Dr Brendan Kelaher

University of Technology Sydney Brendan is a marine biologist working to understand the impact of over fishing, coastal development, pollution, desalination, invasive species and climate change on marine ecosystems. His research aims to inform science-based sustainable marine management solutions to these problems. Passionate about maintaining marine ecosystems for future generations to see, his work contributes…

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Dr Charles Warren

The University of Sydney Charlie Warren is currently an Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow at the University of Sydney.  He has a bachelors degree from the University of Tasmania, and a PhD from the University of Western Australia. His research focuses on how plants are affected by and cope with their environment. The scope of this…

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Dr Craig O’Neill

Macquarie University Craig aims to understand the difference between Earth and non-inhabitable planets. In developing a classification and evolutionary framework for rocky planets, he has pioneered sophisticated computer modelling tools to simulate the complex processes of planet formation driven by the hot internal workings – or tectonics – of different planets. More Geodynamics Planetary Science…

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Dr Emma Johnston

The University of New South Wales Emma researches the impact of human activities on marine communities. In particular, she investigates the effects of contaminants and introduced species on the structure and diversity of indigenous marine species in places as diverse as the Great Barrier Reef and Antarctica. Marine Ecology Ecology Ecotoxicology Biology Environmental Science

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Dr Joshua Burns

The University of Sydney The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, conducts clinical research trials of potential treatments for neuromuscular disorders in children. More specifically, he works on disorders affecting the feet and ankle, such as the Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT). Joshua is currently working on a world-first clinical trial to determine if vitamin C can help children…

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