2007 Victorian Award Winner

Dr Leslie Yeo

Monash University Leslie’s research is aimed at elucidating the physicochemical hydrodynamics associated with electrically and acoustically driven microfluidic transport. These fundamental studies are applied to discover novel ways for actuating and manipulating fluids and particles in micro/nano-scale devices for applications such as drug delivery,drug screening, point-of-care medical diagnostics, biosensor technology, robotic surgery and other applications….

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Dr Paul Stoddart

Swinburne University of Technology Paul leads the Applied Optics Group in the Centre for Atom Optics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy at Swinburne University of Technology. He works on a variety of problems from building devices just a few hundred atoms across, to measuring invisible structures. He has developed novel chemical sensors for continuous glucose monitoring and the detection…

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Dr Sarah Meachem

Prince Henry’s Institute of Medical Research Sarah specialises in the field of reproduction. Sarah is looking at the hormonal factors that determine sperm production. Immature sperm cells are enveloped in a larger cell, called the Sertoli cell, which nurtures their development. Proper communication between Sertoli and sperm cells is critical in allowing their normal development….

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Dr Stephen Turner

University of Melbourne Stephen researches is how our immune systems control viral infections. This control of virus infections is mediated by a subset of immune cells called “killer T cells”. Stephen’s research examines how only those killer T cells are selected from the diverse pool of cells. Furthermore, Stephen’s research examines how killer T cells…

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Associate Professor David Dunstan

International Diabetes Institute David is a leading researcher on the role of physical activity in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes. His research program into the effects of strength training in the management of type 2 diabetes was key to the recent revision of the American Diabetes Association’s (2006) exercise guidelines for people…

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Associate Professor Murat Yücel

University of Melbourne Murat is the Head of the Impulsive-Compulsive Behaviour Group at Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and the Research Leader of Neuroimaging, Orygen Youth Health Research Centre. The ability to exercise voluntary control over one’s own thoughts, feelings, and actions is an essential component of daily life. The importance of self-regulation becomes especially clear when considering some…

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Dr Ben Croker

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Ben examines how immune cells communicate using hormone-like molecules called cytokines. The binding of a cytokine to a target cell activates or turns on the cell, directing the cell to divide, die, move or mature to become a cell that can destroy invading microorganisms. His future research…

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Dr Benjamin Kile

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Benjamin focusses his research on genes that control blood cell production and function. Benjamin is interested in how stem cells generate the various specialised blood cell types, and in particular the steps required to produce platelets, the body’s essential blood clotting cells. Ben was the recipient of…

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Dr Julie McMullen

Baker Heart Research Institute Julie researches cardiac hypertrophy (heart growth) and failure, specifically focusing on molecular mechanisms responsible for the induction of physiological “good” and pathological “bad” heart growth. Julie’s research has demonstrated that genes up-regulated in response to exercise can be targeted and used to improve heart function and lifespan in mouse models of…

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Dr Kim Halpin

CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) Kim works in a team, contributing to Australia’s emergency animal disease preparedness through a number of collaborative projects which aim to manage and control major transboundary animal diseases and emerging zoonoses. Zoonotic diseases are those which can pass from animals to people. A particular focus of Kim’s work is…

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