2021 Western Australian Award Winner

Dr James Tweedley

Murdoch University Research Field: Marine Biology Estuaries are biologically productive and have large economic and societal benefits. Yet many of these environments and the services they provide are under threat from factors such as urbanisation and climate change. The research done by Dr James Tweedley and his team has highlighted the unique characteristics of the…

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Dr Alexander Tang

University of Western Australia Research Field: Neuroscience, biophysics An essential property of the brain is its capacity to change its structure and function, commonly known as neural plasticity. Unfortunately, neural plasticity is altered in several age-related neurological conditions and after brain injury. Dr Tangs research has investigated how novel interventions such as non-invasive brain stimulation…

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A/Prof Billy Sung

Curtin University Research Field: Consumer Psychology Businesses, NGOs, and government agencies are making high-value business decisions and investments every day. These decisions can be better informed by obtaining an intimate understanding of consumers and stakeholders through a scientific, evidence-based, and data-driven approach Billy’s research explores the application of consumer neuroscience techniques such as eye tracking,…

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Dr Eleanor Sansom

Curtin University Research Field: Space The Earth gets hit by over 15,000,000 kg of extraterrestrial material every year. Most of this is dust-sized, but bright shooting stars (fireballs) can sometimes result in a meteorite falling to Earth. Meteorites can help us piece together early solar system history, but where they come from is usually unknown. …

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Dr Joanna Melonek

University of Western Australia Research Field: Plant Molecular Biology To meet food demands of the growing human population crop production needs to increase by at least 50%. This can be achieved by growing high-yielding and stress-resistant hybrid varieties.  For many crops like rice, maize or canola most of the planted varieties are already hybrids. However,…

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Dr Mark Hackett

Curtin University Research Field: Analytical Chemistry Metal ions are essential for life. In particular, metal ions are important for a health brain and memory function, but too much or too little can be harmful. Understanding exactly how metal ions influence brain function is very difficult though, as scientists haven’t been able to “see” exactly where…

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A/Prof Christopher Blyth

University of Western Australia Research Field: Infectious Disease Existing and emerging infections pose an ever present threat. As demonstrated by the COVID-19 pandemic, these infections have the capacity to profoundly shape our lives, our communities and the way we interact.  He investigates ways to prevent and treat existing and emerging respiratory pathogens, particularly those seen…

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