Prof Aniruddha Desai

Research Field: Applied Technology

Prof Desai focuses on developing technology-based solutions for important industry and community problems in areas such as transport safety and mobility, energy management, logistics and supply chain, production agriculture and healthcare by undertaking targeted multidisciplinary research across science and engineering.

His work involves both experimental as well as commercial R&D ranging from developing new intelligent Internet-of-things microchips to undertaking large scale data analytics using AI to provide insights and decision support for users of the new solutions.

Nearly every major project delivered by him has involved community or end user engagement through live technology deployment trials and most of his projects have been profiled on TV, radio and in print media.

His outreach activities have ranged from recording science TV show for kids to delivering topical seminars at Parliament for MPs and their staff and giving expert evidence at parliamentary inquiries contributing to policy dialogue.

Prof Desai has a Master’s degree in Micro-electronics, a PhD in Computer Science and is currently Director of La Trobe University Centre for Technology Infusion.