Dr Corneel Vandelanotte

Population health / Health Promotion, Central Queensland University

Dr Vandelanotte’s research is focused on finding effective and innovative methods to increase physical activity in large numbers of Australians at a low cost. He has designed and evaluated several innovative website-delivered physical activity interventions. Corneel is investigating three novel approaches to evaluate long-term physical activity improvements: computer-tailored video-messages, Web 2.0 approaches, and smartphone applications. His research will help many Australians to live healthier for longer, without the presence of chronic disease, significantly reducing the cost of health care delivery.

Corneel has engaged the public with his work through, developing a workplace physical activity policy aimed at workplace health officers and presentations to the general public as well as to non-academic public health professionals (such as Queensland Health, Cancer Council and Heart Foundation). His research outcomes have been featured in national and local media (both here and in his nativeBelgium). He was also involved in a project to assess the feasibility to implement the 10,000 Steps physical activity program in schools

  • Physical Activity
  • Public Health
  • Health Promotion