Dr Erik Streed

Quantum Physics, Griffith University

Dr Streed’s work focuses on building optics to get information into and out of single atoms in a quantum computer. Quantum computing offers revolutionary solutions to the limitations of current computers by taking advantage of quantum physics. At the level of a few atoms the classic laws of physics stop working and quantum mechanics takes over. This presents both a problem and an opportunity. Certain problems, such as code breaking or database searching, become much faster than with a normal computer. Erik, along with his colleague found a key to large scale implementation of Quantum computers using the novel technology of micro-fabricated phase Fresnel lenses.

Erik is an enthusiastic participation in Griffith’s outreach programs. He has been a volunteer and later a committee member for Griffith’s Science and Engineering Challenge as well as mentoring a Year 12 student for the International Youth Physics Tournament (IYPT). His has engaged with journalists receiving domestic media coverage by The Australian and ABC Radio Gold Coast, as well as international attention.

  • Quantum Physics
  • Quantum Dynamics
  • Physics