A/Prof Hongzhi Yin

Hongzhi Yin awarded AIPS QLD Young Tall Poppy

Privacy and AI hegemony are significant challenges that humankind faces in the context of big data and AI. AI’s heavy reliance on data has led to the empowerment of tech giants and reshaping the global order.

A/Prof Hongzhi Yin’s research aims to counter this AI monopoly controlled by tech giants and return the power of AI and its data to the hands of the users. He has developed a new decentralised intelligent computing paradigm that collaboratively processes and analyses data on connected personal devices, providing real-time intelligent services without relying on a central controller.

Hongzhi has been actively engaging the public to disseminate his research. Multiple news channels and magazines have interviewed him, and his research work has been reported in various local and global news outlets like SBS Radio, The Australian Research Magazine, UQ News, Sohu and Tencent News, IEEE Computer Society, MIT Technology Review, and ACM Computing Reviews.

Hongzhi was awarded his Ph.D. in 2014 at Peking University. He is an ARC Future Fellow and Associate Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Queensland.