Dr Kaye Morgan

Morgan_Kaye_portrait_72dpi8Monash University
Research Field: Phase Contrast X-Ray imaging, Physics

Dr. Morgan has developed a new method of x-ray imaging which is significantly more rapid, precise and sensitive than existing methods. This work is of particular importance to medical imaging, and has dramatically improved the evaluation of treatment methods for cystic fibrosis. This new method of non-invasive x-ray imaging allows measurements to be taken without needing to push instruments down airways.
The imaging method captures changes in the depth of a very thin, but important layer of liquid on airway surfaces, which traps and removes inhaled germs and dust. This liquid is too shallow in cystic fibrosis patients so they are susceptible to infections and inflammation. Measuring this layer is particularly important because an increase in its depth is the first expected change to result from an effective therapy.
Dr. Morgan has initiated a lunchtime seminar series at Monash called “Science Snippets” (sciencesnippets.com.au) Attended by secondary students, university students and staff these “snippets” are uploaded to YouTube, accessible to the general public and high schools. Kaye is a regular contributer to Open day YouTube videos and a six year involvement with the Siemens Science Experience.

  • Phase Contrast X-Ray Imaging
  • Airway Imaging
  • X-Ray Optics
  • Physics