Dr Rose Cairns

Dr Rose Cairns NSW 2023 Young Tall Poppy

Dr Rose Cairns has been awarded AIPS NSW 2023 Young Tall Poppy of the Year! She is an NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow and a Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy at The University of Sydney. Dr Cairns is also the Director of Research at the New South Wales Poisons Information Centre. She is a practicing poisons information specialist, providing emergency poisoning advice to healthcare professionals and members of the public.

Her research focuses on poisoning, medicines safety, and suicide prevention. Her work uses clinical datasets to evaluate policy interventions and to identify emerging poisoning threats to the community. She is regularly interviewed by the media about her research and other poisoning and drug safety matters. She has written several invited pieces for The Conversation.

Dr Cairns is a minister appointed member on the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s Advisory Committee on Chemicals Scheduling (TGA ACCS), providing toxicology advice to the government to inform accessibility of poisons. She has also been involved in state and federal government consultations impacting medicines and chemicals legislation.