Dr Jennifer Matthews

Dr Jennifer Matthews AIPS 2023 NSW Tall Poppy winner

Every reef worldwide is losing corals faster than they can naturally replenish. Healthy reefs sustain 7,000+ marine species, provide billions of dollars in economic value, protect coastlines, and are an important source for new medicines. Yet, coral health is rapidly declining due to environmental stressors. Preserving and restoring coral reefs is crucial to maintain the countless benefits they provide to marine life and human society.

Corals, like any living organism, need optimal nutrition for survival, especially in the face of environmental challenges.

Dr. Jennifer Matthews uses a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating chemistry, nanotechnology, marine biology, and ecology to discover the best nutrition for corals to thrive and survive. Her ground-breaking work involves innovative nanodelivery of supplements to bolster corals when they are most vulnerable – during times of extreme environmental stress, and as babies.

By collaborating closely with key industries and stakeholders, Dr. Matthews ensures her research outputs directly address real-world problems and have a tangible impact on coral reef conservation efforts.

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