Dr Sonu Yadav

Dr Sonu Yadav AIPS 2024 NT Young Tall Poppy

Biosecurity system protects Australia’s agriculture, environment and human wellbeing by preventing the entry, establishment and spread of harmful pests, pathogens and diseases. Invasive species can disrupt ecosystems, damage crops, outcompete native species, and cause significant economic losses. Genomic tools are crucial for detecting exotic species, understanding biological invasions, and predicting and managing their impacts.

Dr Sonu Yadav’s research aims to identify exotic species using DNA barcoding and to develop new biomonitoring methods for the early detection of pests and pathogens. By studying the routes of entry and genetic diversity of newly detected invasive species, her research provides insights into their spread and establishment potential. This information assists in invasive species eradication, control and management.