Prof Britta von Ungern-Sternberg – WA Young Tall Poppy of the Year

One in 20 Australian children have surgery each year with 1 in 7 having breathing problems during or after anesthesia. Pediatric anesthesia is a high-risk specialty which can lead to long-lasting harm, including death; children, particularly neonates and young infants, cannot be considered as small adults -research in adults cannot simply be downscaled to pediatric care.

Through our research, my team and I generated knowledge leading to changes in how anaesthesia is performed in Australia and worldwide. My goal is to ensure that when a child needs a vital operation, it is as safe and pain-free as possible.

Chair of Paediatric Anaesthesia, The University of Western AustraliaConsultant Paediatric Anaesthetist, Perth Children’s Hospital
Perioperative Medicine Team Lead, Telethon Kids Institute
