A/Prof Mingming Cheng

A/Prof Mingming Cheng AIPS 2023 WA Young Tall Poppy

The social media landscape is complex and dynamic. Billions of users produce large quantities of social media data every day.

Mingming’s research examines how we can leverage the power of social media to better address social issues, while also identifying and mitigating risks. Mingmins’ research uses advanced data science and visual analytics to better inform people’s decision making and behaviour in various contexts. His research also addresses topical social issues for which social media can provide otherwise non-existent data, or for which social media data sheds new light and provides different perspectives.

Mingming is deeply committed to communicating science and championing scientific literacy by regularly engaging with mainstream media and delivering social media analytics presentations/workshops to a range of stakeholders, including high school students and their parents, international business leaders and policy makers and the general public.

Mingming’s PhD was awarded in 2017 from the University of Technology Sydney. He is currently an Associate Professor in Digital Marketing, leading the Social Media Research Lab at Curtin University.