Dr Shyuan Ngo


Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital and The University of Queensland 

Great improvements in treatments of a wide array of diseases has seen an increase in life spans, but with increased age we are also experiencing an increase in age-related diseases, such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and MND. Although they may seem different, these diseases have something in common – they all occur because nerve cells in our brain no longer function as they should. More importantly, we have no effective treatments to prevent these diseases or halt their progression. Dr Ngo’s research aims to better understand the processes that impair the function of nerve cells in the brain. Being exceptionally active, the nerve cells in our brain are particularly vulnerable to defects that limit their ability to use or receive energy. By creating a better understanding of how these cells receive and use energy, and how these processes change with age and in disease, she aims to create viable treatments to slow or reverse the effects of diseases of the ageing brain.

Shyuan has been featured on radio and in local newspapers and has the opportunity to showcase her research during the World Science Festival in Brisbane. She regularly attends and organises outreach events such the MND patient symposium, which will run in partnership with MND Australia.

  • Motor Neuron Disease
  • Metabolic Pathway Disruption
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Neuroscience
  • Biomedical Science
  • Medical Research