Associate Professor Raymond Chan

Chan_QLD_portrait_low_res2Cancer and Oncology

Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital and Queensland University of Technology

Associate Professor Chan is a cancer nurses researcher who uses medical, psychological, social science indicators to improve knowledge and create better outcomes for people affected by cancer, including families and caregivers. His work focuses on improving outcomes and quality of life for three different categories of cancer patients. Firstly to reduce infection risks for those at risk of developing a fatal infection when they are treated for cancer.  Secondly to empower those who experience distressing symptoms both during and after their cancer treatment assist with self-management. Finally, to improve the quality of life for those who cannot be cured and have a limited of time to live.

Raymond organised the inaugural Biennial Cancer Care Research Symposium at the RBWH in 2013. In partnership with RBWH and QUT executives, I implemented the award-winning “Cancer Nursing Professorial Precinct” initiative, which allows rapid knowledge dissemination to practicing clinicians who directly enable better patient outcomes. He has also been interviewed by mainstream media on several occasions (e.g. BBC radio program, local newsletters). Through his university, he has been invited to speak on multiple occasions to inspire young students to achieve excellence in their lives.

  • Cancer Care
  • Supportive Care
  • Cancer Nursing
  • Palliative Care
  • End-of-life Care
  • Cancer
  • Oncology