Dr Kate Lycett

Dr Kate Lycett AIPS 2024 VIC Young Tall Poppy

Dr Kate Lycett’s research aims to identify key measures of health and wellbeing to help us collectively understand the state of the nation beyond traditional economic metrics. This focus will help us decide whether decisions are in the nation’s best interests.
Locally, she uses citizen science through community volunteers to collect their own data, empowering and educating citizens while providing much-needed data to policymakers.
Dr Lycett’s research centres on providing the best research evidence available to drive momentum for evidence-based change across government and within communities (eg policy advocacy and behaviour change). It also aims to hold those in power accountable to ensure we create a more equitable and sustainable world, particularly for children, young people and future generations.
@deakinuniversity Deakin University
#wellbeing #wellbeingeconomy #intergenertaionalequity #beyondGDP
#FutureGenerations #sustainability