A/Prof Amy Reynolds

Amy Reynolds 2024 SA Young Tall Poppy

Amy Reynolds is an Associate Professor of Clinical Sleep Health at Flinders University, where she is a clinical epidemiologist and psychologist (provisional).

She uses mixed methods including analysis of large datasets, qualitative methods and intervention trials to understand the relationships between shift work, sleep disorders, health and safety.  Amy has shown that unmanaged sleep disorders both adversely impact mental health and cost a young adult 4 weeks of lost productivity per year. She’s also shown that shift work complicates diagnosis — sleep disorder symptoms are often dismissed solely as a consequence of shift workers’ work schedules, and workers often live with symptoms for years before receiving diagnosis and treatment.

A/Prof Amy Reynold’s early research directly informed her current SA Government funded implementation trial tailored to improve early prevention and intervention initiatives and ensure early access to sleep disorder care in our future healthcare workers. Her aim is to ensure that we break down stigma and barriers related to sleep disorders to ensure our young workers get access to care they need for their sleep – and get this support as early as possible.