2023 Young Tall Poppy Mentoring Sessions
The 2023 Tall Poppy Mentoring program commences in March and will run through till the end of the year.
These 1 Hr sessions are informal and conversational as we ask the presenters, experienced Tall Poppy Alumni and researchers, to talk about issues such as advice to your younger self, leadership in science and how to maintain the spark of enthusiasm from the start of their career.
You are free to attend as many sessions as you like.
Session 1
Date – Tuesday 21st March
Time – 1.00 pm – AEDT
Presenter – Associate Professor Hannah Moore
Session 2
Date – Thursday 13th April
Time – 5.00 pm – AEDT
Presenter – Professor Pauline Pounds
Completed – Session recording ( Mp4 File)
Session 3
Date – Monday 29th June
Time – 1:00pm – AEDT
Presenter – Dr Jessica Melbourne-Thomas
Session 4
Date – Tuesday 6th June
Time – 1.00 pm – AEDT.
Presenter –Dr Niraj Lal
Session 5
Date – to be rescheduled
Time – to be rescheduled
Presenter –Professor Chris Abbiss
Professor Chris Abbiss is the Dean of Graduate Research and Professor of Exercise Physiology in the School of Medical and Health Sciences. His primary research interest centres on applied human physiology and exercise performance, with a focus on cycling, fatigue, thermoregulation, pacing strategies, training modalities and recovery. He collaborates with numerous national and international agencies, including the Australian Institute of Sport, Australian Sport Commission, Cycling Australia, Team BikeExchange, Western Australian Institute of Sport and others. Chris was a Young Tall Poppy in 2016
To register, head to this link .
Session 7
Date – Tuesday 5th September
Time – 1.00 pm – AEDT.
Presenter –Professor Frank Grutzner
Professor Frank Grützner received his PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin in 2001.From 2001 he led and international team at ANU that resolved the longstanding controversy about the complex sex chromosome system in the platypus. In 2005 he moved to the University of Adelaide, where he is an ARC Australian Research Fellow and group leader at the School of Biological Sciences. He has won several awards for his research including the Eppendorf Medal for the Young Australian Investigator (2005) and the Tall Poppy Science Award (2007/8) and SA Science Excellence awards in Citizen Science (2021).
To register, head to this link .
Session 8 – Rescheduled to Tuesday 28th November
Date – Tuesday 28th November
Time – 1.00 pm – AEDT.
Presenter –Professor Kim Bennell
Prof Kim Bennell is a research physiotherapist, and her current positions include Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor and Director of the Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine (CHESM), in Physiotherapy at the School of Health Sciences, University of Melbourne and NHMRC Investigator Fellow (L2). She leads a multidisciplinary team including people from physiotherapy, medicine, exercise science, podiatry and psychology.
Kim’s research focuses on conservative non-drug management of musculoskeletal conditions particularly osteoarthritis with an emphasis on the role of exercise in both prevention and management. Kim has been an Executive Board member of the Osteoarthritis Research Society International. Kim received a Young Tall Poppy Award in 1999.
To register, head to this link .
Session 6 – Rescheduled to 2024
Date – TBA
Time – 1.00 pm – AEDT.
Presenter –Associate Professor Lyndsey Collins-Praino
Associate Prof/Reader, School of Biomedicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Adelaide
Dr Lyndsey Collins-Praino holds a PhD in behavioral neuroscience. Her research focuses on the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying cognitive decline in healthy aging and in neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. She is particularly interested in the role of inflammation in this process. Lyndsey is the recipient of numerous prestigious fellowships, honours and awards for the novelty, quality and interest of this work, including a 2016 South Australian Young Tall Poppy award.
To register, head to this link.
Session 9
Date – Now rescheduled to early 2024 – date and time to be advised.
Time – 1.00 pm – AEDT.
Presenter –Professor Kevin Pfleger
Professor Kevin Pfleger MA(Cambridge) PhD(Edinburgh) FBPhS is the Head of Molecular Endocrinology and Pharmacology at the Perkins, Director Biomedical Innovation at The University of Western Australia and the MTPConnect Western Australian Life Sciences Innovation Hub, and Chief Scientific Advisor of Dimerix Limited, a spin-out company from the Perkins and UWA. He is also Deputy Director of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre for Personalised Therapeutics Technologies, and Chair of the Accelerating Australia Executive Committee. Additionally, in late 2021, Prof Pfleger was appointed President of the Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (ASCEPT) as well as a Fellow of the British Pharmacological Society. Kevin received a Young Tall Poppy Award in 2012.
To register, head to this link .