Dr Joseph Richardson

Dr Joseph Richarson AIPS 2024 VIC Young Tall Poppy

Dr. Richardson’s research focuses on controlling the way objects interact with the world using high-tech nanocoatings. By controlling the surface of objects, he can control how they interact with light, organisms, moisture, and everything else in the environment. This allows for unique applications to be targeted, such as engineering specific properties into objects to make them invisible to the immune system, or to transform something normally colonized by deadly germs into a germ-killing material.
Specifically, Dr. Richardson’s research now focuses on the agricultural and environmental challenges unique to Australia and he has begun to design nanomaterials to stop invasive pathogens and boost crop yields. For example, Myrtle Rust is an invasive fungus that is threatening over 400 species of Australian plants with extinction, and in one decade has spread throughout the whole of Australia. His team has developed an organic and natural nanomaterial capable of stopping Myrtle Rust at the scale and cost needed to preserve Australia’s biodiversity for future generations.