Dr Naomi Paxton

Dr Naomi Paxton 2024 Young Tall Poppy

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Dr Naomi Paxton is 3D printing human body parts. Naomi uses advanced medical 3D printers to create patient-specific implants which have the same mechanical properties as biological tissues. Naomi uses clinically approved, biocompatible materials so the implants can host tissue regeneration without risk of rejection or inflammation. In Dr Paxton’s lab, they build their own 3D printers, create new software to design patient-specific implants, and perform extensive lab testing to make sure these implants provide safe long-term solutions for patients.
A large focus of Dr Paxton’s work is also addressing the accessibility of 3D printing technology. As we saw in the pandemic, 3D printing is an excellent way to locally manufacture medical products in high demand. Naomi’s vision is to ensure that 3D printing technology is available across Australia, from rural and remote medical centres to the large inner-city hospitals, so everyone can have access to personalised, lifesaving treatments.