Dr Ting Rei Tan

Dr Ting Rei Tan AIPS 2024 NSW Young Tall Poppy

Dr Ting Rei Tan’s research aims to solve problems in physics and chemistry that are currently beyond the reach of even the most powerful supercomputers. Specifically, he focuses on the computational challenges associated with simulating chemical reactions at the atomic level, particularly those involved in ultrafast photochemistry. Understanding these reactions is crucial for designing new molecules with applications in fields like the discovery of photoactive drugs and sunscreens, which are essential for skin cancer prevention and treatment.
He is developing a new kind of quantum computer that uses individual electronically charged atoms isolated in a high vacuum as the building blocks for quantum simulations. This quantum computer is designed to simulate chemical reactions at a level of detail that classical computers cannot achieve. By collaborating with photobiology specialists and theoretical chemists, he aims to apply this quantum computing approach to understand better photochemistry underlying the development of new photoactive materials. This research could demonstrate the potential of quantum computing in addressing complex chemical problems, benefiting the pharmaceutical, chemical, and energy industries.
Physics, Chemistry, Quantum Computing, Photochemistry