Dr Jasmine Fardouly

Dr Jasmine Fardouly AIPS NSW 2024 Young Tall Poppy

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Dr Jasmine Fardouly is known internationally for her work on the impact of social media on users’ body image. Her previous research has shown that, despite the well-known harms of idealised content and appearance comparisons on social media, it is possible to improve young people’s body image with exposure to body-positive, unedited content that features diverse body sizes.
Dr Fardouly undertakes mixed-methods research, combining different fields of psychology with law and public health to try to change the social media landscape and prevent harm to users’ health and well-being. She collaborates with international body image researchers and charities, including the Butterfly Foundation.
Dr Fardouly’s ARC DECRA and Horizon projects are expanding the evidence base for the use of beneficial social media content to improve body image and reduce the prevalence of eating disorders and other harms. Her current research extends beyond the individual user to look at how beneficial content can be widely accepted and implemented in practice, through examining the role of social groups, influencers and policy initiatives.
Psychology, Public Health, Social Media, Body Image, Wellbeing