A/Prof Vincent Ho

A/Prof Vincent Ho 2024 NSW Young Tall Poppy

Associate Professor Vincent Ho’s research aims to discover why gut motility disorders occur and develop novel solutions to treat severe cases.
Gastroparesis is a motility disorder where the stomach is paralysed and patients experience constant nausea, vomiting and early fullness with eating food. Medications are often ineffective and severely affected patients may require tube feeding. The discovery of molecular networks that control the biology of pacemaker cells in the human stomach could help develop new drug therapies for gastroparesis.
Vincent is also investigating practical solutions, through research, on best tolerated dietary fibres for gastroparesis patients. Vincent is regularly interviewed about gut health and gut science by national and international media outlets. He features as the GutDr on YouTube where he has 160,000 subscribers. Vincent has delivered numerous presentations to the general public including at the World Science
Health, Nutrition, Gut Motility Disorders