National Health and Medical Research Council Investigator Grant (EL1) at Deakin University
Eating disorders are potentially life-threatening conditions if left untreated. Unfortunately, nearly 80% of people with eating disorders do not have access to evidence-based treatment for reasons related to high cost, limited therapist availability, and privacy and stigma concerns.
Dr. Linardon’s research involves capitalizing on modern information technology (Internet, smartphone “apps”) to deliver free, scalable, and personalized treatment programs to people with an eating disorder who cannot access help through traditional means.
Dr. Linardon is the founder of Break Binge Eating, an online platform consisting of a website and social media account that offers free evidence-based information and self-help resources for people with or at risk of an eating disorder. Break Binge Eating has global reach, including being accessed > 20,000 times per month and a subscriber list approaching 100,000. Dr Linardon has also featured in numerous media appearance and has given multiple keynote presentations.
Mental health; clinical psychology