A/Prof Tracy O’Mara

A/Prof Tracy O’Mara

Incidence of endometrial cancer (cancer of the uterine lining), the most common gynaecological cancer in Australia, is rapidly increasing, with predictions of a 40-50% increase in incidence over the next decade. Limited treatment options exist for endometrial cancer with only three drugs having received approval for endometrial cancer treatment by the Federal Drug Administration (USA) since 1971.

Dr O’Mara has performed the largest genetic study of endometrial cancer, including data from over 12,000 endometrial cancer patients. She is now using the results from this study to inform four main research questions: (1) what are risk factors for endometrial cancer; (2) who is at greatest risk of developing endometrial cancer; (3) which genes are important for endometrial cancer development; and (4) can we identify new avenues for effective endometrial cancer therapies.

Tracy is a proud QIMR Scientific Ambassador. Through this role she has led tours of her institute for high school students and community groups. She has also worked with high school students in multiple capacities including seminars on genetic studies, demonstrating experiments and hosting high school work experience as a “real world, hands on” researcher.

Tracy was awarded her PhD in 2013 at the Queensland University of Technology and is currently a NHMRC Investigator Fellow and Team Head of the Cancer Genetic Susceptibility Lab at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane.

Endometrial cancer, gynaecological cancer, genetics, epidemiology

Endometrial Cancer, Therapeutics, Genetics, Early Detection