A/Prof Lauren Ball

Griffith University
Research Field: Nutrition

Nearly all Australians die with at least one chronic disease, costing our country $4.5 billion each year in hospitalization costs. These chronic diseases can be prevented by maintaining healthy lifestyles.

Lauren’s research focuses on how we can improve the health and lifestyles of Australians by changing primary care facilities to focus on preventing illness, rather than treating it too late. Her work helps to understand where we can make changes to support not only patients, but all health professionals too.

Dr Ball has participated in the Pint of Science initiative throughout 2020 and 2021, including joining a group of academics to compete in the ‘Big Pint Show’ on live YouTube. She produces a series of videos on YouTube called “How To Research” where she responds to questions on academic life such as “How to I email a potential supervisor?”. She has also created a free lesson on her website (www.healthyprimarycare.com) for medical students to improve their nutrition knowledge and confidence.

Lauren Ball completed her PhD at Griffith University in 2013. She is currently a Principal Research Fellow at Griffith University 

Nutrition, Health, Chronic Disease, Illness Prevention