University of Adelaide
Research Field: Neuroscience
Concussions are relatively common in sports such as AFL, horse-riding and hockey, resulting in an estimated 3,000 hospitalisations each year in Australia but It is likely that the number of unreported concussions are 10 times higher than this. A history of repeated concussions may have long term consequences, such as depression, mild brain impairment and even the development of a form of dementia.
Dr Corrigan’s research focuses on understanding the role of inflammation following concussions. Her work suggests that inflammation can drive the accumulation of an abnormal brain protein and loss of brain tissue. By altering the inflammatory response, it is possible to have beneficial effects, even preventing the development of cognitive deficits. This potentially may lead to the development of the first drug intervention to prevent long term damage resulting from repeated concussion.
Frances actively communicates her passion for neuroscience to the general public though Science in the Pub events, and inspires school students through the Scientists in Schools program and National Science Week activities.
Dr Corrigan was awarded her PhD in 2012 from the University of Adelaide. She is currently a lecturer in the Adelaide Medical School, at the University of Adelaide.