Dr Adam Collison


The University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute

Immunology / Microbiology,


Allergy is the fastest growing chronic disease in Australia, affecting around 4.1 million people. While asthma has been recognised as a national health priority since 1999, there is increasing interest in food allergy. Food allergy associated diseases such as Eosinophilic Oesophagitis (a chronic condition of an inflamed food pipe) have also been increasing over the past two decades.

Dr Collison’s research has focused on identification of new therapeutic targets and molecular biomarkers to better assist in the identification and treatment of asthma and food allergy. He has identified a signalling pathway and effectively targeted it to therapeutic benefit in mouse models of allergic airways exacerbation. He aims to undertake cutting-edge research in close collaboration with other scientists and medical doctors, to develop better diagnostics and treatments for these common and debilitating diseases.

Adam has run the “Chemistry Magic” show at primary and secondary schools across the Hunter region to encourage early interest and participation in science. He also participates in expert panels at HMRI open days and was an invited speaker at Newcastle Innovation Biobeer and bubbles events. Adam’s research has also appeared in The Newcastle Herald, The Conversation and the Huffington Post.

  • Allergic Diseases
  • Respiratory Medicine
  • Immunology
  • Microbiology
  • Biology