Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales
Epidemiology/Public Health,
In Australia, liver disease due to hepatitis C is rising, due to a large number of people infected, an ageing infected population, low treatment uptake, and poor effectiveness of previous therapies. One of the most important breakthroughs in recent decades is the development of new HCV therapies which have near universal curative potential (>90%), limited side effects, short duration and can reverse liver disease progression.
Associate Professor Grebely’s research is focused on finding novel ways to enhance access to hepatitis C testing, linkage to care and treatment among people who inject drugs, a group that makes up the majority of new and existing cases of hepatitis C in Australia. This includes evaluating innovative methods for testing, health promotion activities to enhance assessment of liver disease, and novel ways to improve responses to hepatitis C treatment.
In collaboration with the media agency, Digital Clinic, he helped organise a benefit concert “The 80s are dead, but hep C isn’t,” including members of Australia’s top 80s rock bands to raise HCV awareness. As President of the International Network for Hepatitis in Substance Users, he works with community-based organisations to develop programs to improve HCV education/awareness for people who use drugs.
Jason also sits on the editorial board and writes for Users News, a magazine developed by a community-based organisation for people who use drugs (NUAA).