Monash University
Research Field: Climatology
The extremes of weather and climate are where society faces the nasty side of nature. Although there is evidence that human-induced climate change is already affecting some extremes like heatwaves but for other types such as drought, the connection is far less clear. Dr. Gallant’s research aims to better understand droughts by looking at how the atmosphere, oceans and the land work, by themselves and together, and investigates how these can lead to decades with more droughts, longer droughts or more severe droughts. By identifying the processes that lead to droughts, we can better predict and prepare for droughts as well as reveal a clearer picture of how human-induced climate change might affect droughts in the future. This will allow our society, particularly farmers and water managers, to improve the ways we manage our drought-sensitive resources.
Allie has built a reputation as an enthusiastic, engaging and knowledgeable science communicator. She has achieved this by often speaking to the media including ABC Radio National’s “Bush Telegraph” and “The Science Show”. She regularly writes for The Conversation and her research has featured in The Age. She interacts with educators through professional development activities and was a panel member of the review of the VCE Environmental Science curriculum (2013-15) and participated in panel discussions with projects such as ITHYF (Is This How You Feel).