University of NSW
Applied Ecological Remote Sensing
In Australia (the driest inhabited continent), competing demands, climate change and multi-year droughts still lead to significant water shortages. Changes in surface water also result in disasters such as flooding. Dr Tulbure’s research reaches across disciplines to take a ‘big-picture’ approach to quantifying surface water dynamics, over decades, across large areas (e.g. Murray-Darling Basin) using terabytes of satellite data and high performance computing. Her research has strengthened the scientific foundation of water policy. Whilst still hotly debated in the Murray-Darling, the methodology developed is globally applicable, being relevant to many other areas with competing water demands (e.g. Mekong River Basin, southeast Asia).
Mirela joined the CSIRO Scientists in Schools program and was an invited speaker at the GeoSoc night on Careers in Research. She has also presented at two, Centre for Ecosystem Science Advisory Board Meetings and organised school seminars widely attended across faculties. Mirela has been a panel member for UNSW ‘Broad 8 Women in Science’, an open-forum event consisting of female panel members talking about being scientists.