Dr Stephanie Reuter Lange

Dr Stephanie Reuter Lange_portrait_72dpi

University of South Australia

The ability of a drug to work effectively is dependent on doses being given at the right level to adequately treat the condition whilst avoiding toxic side effects. In infectious diseases, the right dose is critical as overdosing may produce toxicity, whereas under-dosing inadequately kills the bacteria and allows the development of drug-resistant “superbugs”, making current drugs ineffective. Dr Reuter Lange’s research examines how drugs are processed by the body and the factors, such as weight or age that contribute to differences in treatment response between patients. She uses Pharmacometrics, computer-based modeling, to work with doctors and pharmacists to understand these processes and tailor dosing regimens for individual patients that result in the best clinical outcomes. Her particular focus is on optimising the treatment of malaria and bacterial infections to maximise the therapeutic effect whilst minimising side effects and drug resistance.

Stephanie recently gave the Keynote Address to National Youth Science Forum participants (Year 11 students) to inspire them to undertake a career in science. She has worked with the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Society to provide education sessions, research summaries and radio interviews on her research, as well as scientific research in general, to patients and the public to help them understand this condition.

  • Translational Pharmacology
  • Pharmacology
  • Pharmacokinetics
  • Medical Research
  • Public Health