Physics: Optical fibres, Photonic crystal fibres, The University of Sydney
Dr Boris Kuhlmey researches and develops optical fibres used in microscopes and for medical tools. His work focuses on how the fibres’ microscopic structure affects light travelling through it. Boris has been developing fibres perforated with microscopic holes. When filled with fluids such as water or blood, light passes differently through the fibre. Analysis of the light’s path can then be used to detect pollutants or disease, promising accurate, rapid and cheap diagnosis. Kuhlmey has also been working on inserting metallic nano-strands into fibre to adjust its optical properties. Such properties include the ability to act as a sharper magnifier then any current microscope, and the facility to become partially invisible.
As the education and training director for CUDOS, Boris has been actively involved in the community; presenting at science fairs and promoted the use of YouTube for science videos. He frequently hosts students under the CSIRO student research scheme and tutors socially disadvantaged students on a volunteer basis. Kuhlmey developed a publicly-available software tool on fibre modelling techniques, now the international standard for a range of fibre calculations. He also initiated a Photonics Science School for Australian and New Zealand undergraduate students. Boris has produced 63 peer-reviewed publications and has presented at numerous international conferences.