The Australian Institute of Policy and Science is indebted to its supporters across government, university, the private and community sectors and numerous individuals and constantly seeks to diversify support.
The Institute is dedicated to quality, accountability and ongoing improvement in its activities. Our aim is always to achieve sustainability and avoid duplication through innovative partnerships. We value in kind as much as dollar support, which for example is enabling us to significantly reduce our administrative overheads.
We provide maximum opportunities for our partners to be acknowledged for their support, and endeavour to engage them in sharing news and expertise through our website to help build a more scientifically engaged society.
What could you do, apart from providing dollars?
- Offer your staff the opportunity to share their career experience with a science background with teachers, youth and parents at one of our many initiatives or events
- Contribute to our p8ubliction, the AQ: Australian Quarterly
- Get involved in supporting or developing a local Campaign initiative with your schools, local business chamber or the general public – showcase what you are doing and how you are using science and get everyone interested
- Invite a Young Tall Poppy Scientist to share cutting edge young research with your employees at a staff lunch – we can help make it interesting and fun
- Ask us to get a Young Tall Poppy scientist to present their story at your next Board or management meeting about the latest scientific research in your home state or territory – an inspirational speech. All you have to do is provide an interested and apopropriate audience.
- Help us with equipment, expertise, innovative ideas or volunteers in our science engagement activities – we will explore the mutual fit with you.
- Contact us about your priorities for engaging “your community” and let us do the work in how to best go about it.
Please contact our national or state offices to discuss opportunities to support our work.