March 2021 Newsbrief

By Bree | Posted on: March 23, 2021

Hi and welcome to 2021.

This year we are trialling sending out a short quarterly email update to all our supporters, Tall Poppy Alumni and attendees at our various functions.

Like many organisations we are now tentatively getting back to a new normal in relation to our events and we are pleased to advise that our Young Tall Poppy applications are now open, as are our bookings for our Post Budget Briefings events in May.

From Maria Kavallaris AM – Co Chair AIPS.

Welcome everyone in our AIPS community. Thank you to our sponsors and supporters who have been instrumental in allowing us to continue our work over these last 12 months.

On behalf of AIPS I acknowledge the great work done by our junior researchers through the Young Tall Poppy awards and to the support from CSL for the 2020 CSL Florey Next Generation Awards.

The work our young researchers are doing is vital to our future international growth and competitiveness. It also has the potential to change our lives in ways which we cannot yet imagine. We are pleased and proud to be part of the process of nurturing this research excellence and recognise them early in their career.

The 60 Young Tall Poppy awardees made in 2020 across every state and territory join over 800 Alumni now working in the fields of research not only in Australia but across the world.

We are now in a good position to increase our outreach and are working to build relationships throughout the scientific education and wider communities.

Don’t forget that our Young Tall Poppy award applications are open, and we look forward to receiving many high-quality applications again this year.

Young Tall Poppy Awards

Applications for the 2021 Young Tall Poppy awards are now open and close on the 6th of April. All details can be found on our webpage. Click here for link. Please feel free to forward this onto any of your colleagues.

Post Budget Health Briefings

We are pleased to announce it this year we are running our Post Budget Health Briefings. Booking links for both of these events are available below.

The 2021 Post Budget Health Briefings are generously sponsored by the Johnson and Johnson Family of Companies and Medicines Australia . The Australian Institute of Policy and Science would like to acknowledge companies for supporting these significant events in the health calendar.

Outreach Activities.

We are now focusing on our outreach activities 2021 and we’re really pleased to include some information below. If you would like to participate in any of these activities please contact us on

  • Tall Poppy Takeovers on Instagram: once a month a Tall Poppy takes over our AIPS Instagram account and showcases their lab and research. Commencing April 2021.
  • CSIRO STEM Professionals in schools: We’ve partnered with CSIRO STEM professionals in schools to get our Tall Poppies into schools and advance the Tall Poppy campaign.
  • Science Tall Tales: this series showcases the What, Why and Weird of the science that our Tall Poppies do. New short videos will be launched in Science Week 2021.

AQ: Australian Quarterly

Did you know that AIPS also publishes Australia’s oldest public affairs magazine? For over 90 years AQ: Australian Quarterly has provided in-depth, evidence-informed writing from the forefront of the debates shaping our country and the world. An annual subscription costs as little as $15 and supports independent, expert driven debate at a time when objective facts and the media are under attack.

In the current edition of AQ read up on the militarisation of police in Australia, the nation’s thin patchwork of human rights legislation, and the future of work in a post-COVID world. All this and more in digital and in print. See the website for a preview and to subscribe:


None of these activities would be possible without our many sponsors who continue to support us throughout these difficult times and we acknowledge and thank you for your support.

AIPS Staff

We thought it might be timely to introduce ourselves. The Institute has a small staff all working part-time out of our virtual offices.

  • Steve Burke – General Manager,
  • Grant Mills – Editor in Chief -Australian Quarterly,
  • Dr Julie-Anne Popple – Outreach Officer and
  • Dai Le – Marketing and Media Assistant.

More information about us can be found on our website here

Steve Burke

General Manager