AQ Volume 89, Issue 2 – Special Edition

The System is Dead

Long Live the System

AQ: Australian Quarterly 2018 Special Edition

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The appetite for change is palpable, reflected in the fact that AQ‘s April Special Edition on Post-Capitalism has been the most popular issue of AQ in recent memory! To celebrate this we are releasing the entire POSTCAPITALISM Special Edition for FREE!

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And check out the newest edition of AQ – OUT NOW!

Financial instability, ecological collapse, rising wealth disparity – nothing lasts forever and capitalism is no exception…

The 2018 Special Edition of AQ: Australian Quarterly brings together some of Australia’s most respected social and economic theorists to imagine what a Post-Capitalist Australia might look like.
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In the new AQ:

From Lawn to Lattes – The Cult(ure) of Consumption

Consumerism can mean the exact opposite of materialism. Our modern culture of consumerism usually refers to the love of consuming, the love of acquiring the new; whereas materialism refers to the love of the material objects themselves. And if you love something, then the thought of throwing it away to replace it with a new model would be a source of pain, not joy. Culture is a significant, but often overlooked, driver of the shape and measured size of economic activity – and it can change.

Richard Denniss

When the system collapses: A Post-Capitalist Capitalism?

The best days of Capitalism are behind it. Environmental decline, economic uncertainty, growing global inequality – an array of potential crises are revealing the cracks in the system. Mainstream financial institutions are now trumpeting warnings that non-orthodox economists have been declaring for years. From the activities of the banking systems, to record debt levels, to the system’s inflexibility in the face of an automated future – What are the threads that led us to this situation and what can we do about it?

Steve Keen

Transcending Capitalism: Policies for a Post-Growth Economy

Jobs and Growth: the infamous two Turnbull pillars for a prosperous Australia. But why is constant, perpetual growth necessary for our economic system to be considered successful? We live in a finite world, but our economics are underpinned by a theory of infinite resources. To live within our means, and avert a financial and ecological crisis, Australia needs to plan for a ‘degrowth’ process of controlled economic contraction. Here’s how we can start…

Samuel Alexander

Pre-empting Apocalypse? Postcapitalism as an Everyday Politics

There is a growing recognition that economic business-as-usual cannot continue and an increasing interest in better ways of organising economies, politics and society. Yet already there are businesses and manufacturers around the world that are implementing post-capitalist ideals into their business models, to great success. Capitalism and Post-Capitalism are not mutually exclusive, they exist as a continuum, able to be influenced at the most grassroots level. Post-Capitalism need not be apocalyptic, it is already a part of our everyday.

Stephen Healy, Jenny Cameron, Katherine Gibson, Joanne McNeill

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