AQ – Volume 82, Issue 2

Will Water Management Reduce Energy Use in Our Cities?

The energy demand of our urban water systems is rapidly rising, far more rapidly than most other sectors within Australia. Offsetting this growth with purchase of renewable energy arguably shifts the responsibility from the water sector to energy providers. So what can we do to manage and understand the problem better?

Steven J. Kenway

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The Role of Water Recycling in Australia’s Future Water Supply
Water recycling has had fair share of media and public attention in recent years in Australia andthere are some strong opinions in the community on this topic. Almost all of the attenion has been focused on just one form of water recycling, however there are a number of other recycling options being considered and implemented and currently, there are already hundreds of recycling schemes in operation right across Australia.

Professor Jurg Keller

The Spin and Economics of Irrigation Infrastructure Policy in Australia

The direction of water policy in Australia was fundementally altered with the release of the Howard government’s National Plan for Water Security and the subsequent Rudd government’s Water for the Future manifesto. The major shift embodied in these policies was the return of the public subsidy for irrigation infrastructure, accompanied by a public narrative that disguises important policy ramifications – what some might call ‘spin’. This artivcle explores components of this dicourse.

Lin Crase

Water Policy after the Drought

For most of the last decade, water policy in Australia has been dominated by emergency responses to the worst drought in our history. Irrigators have received only small fractions of their normal allocations of water, while urban water users have been subject to stringent restrictions. Despite the breaking of the drought in most regions, Australian water policy must deal with a fundementally new environment. This article presents a summary of the development of water policy in Australia, and an assessment of the policies of the Victorian government and those embodied in the Commonwealth government’s Water for the Future Plan.

John Quiggin

Water Wise Women and Equitable Climate Change Burdens

Tony Smith

Immigration and race in the British General Election

James Jupp

Water – Australia 2010

Ian Sinclair

Lachlan Macquarie and the Idea of Newcastle

George Parsons

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