Economics for a Fragile Planet
Conventional economists argue that we can and should continue economic growth indefinitely. Beginning with a brief survey of the present condition of our planet, a discussion of the remedies proposed and where they fall short, and the implications for the economies of Australia and the world, this article argues that our present growth-oriented economic system is inappropriate.
AQ Jul-Aug 2009 feature Moriarty
Why Science Must Lead Us
From food, water and shelter to more advanced items such as machines, x-rays and movies, everything we are accustomed to in modern society has come via technological innovation. The expansion of human understanding drives progression of civilization, and science has its fingerprint on everything we do. Just as technological innovation created the industrial revolution in the 18th century, it now must create a clean energy revolution that makes the world healthier and more prosperous.
Ben McNeil
The Financial Crisis and the Long Drawn-out Demise of Motor Vehicle Production in Australia
The impact of the current Global Financial Crisis (GFC) has been especially severe upon the automobile industry in the developed world, including Australia. As a luxury good, the demand for new cars always declines significantly with a general economic downturn. the combination of slow employment growth and rising interest rates is likely to deter many from borrowing throughout a protracted economic recovery and will inevitably have a substantial impact on this industry.
John Perkins
Federal Politics and the Global Environmental Challenge
The Federal Parliament is in the process of passing legislation to provide for an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). The purpose of the legislation is to enable a price to be set for emissions for carbon dioxide, the gas which is inevitably emitted when fossil fuels are combusted. This legislation is of historic significance because of serious concern that if it is implemented, Australia’s internationally significant coal industry and other mineral processing industries could be faces with a big reduction in output if not in closure.
Haydon Manning
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